
How to Drain a Wetland & Get Away With It: The Betrayal Of The Public's Trust! Ballona

As is seen below in the photos from 1952 and 1997 Ballona ponds during the rainy season when allowed to do so, even with the presence of the Army Corp/ LA County built - Ballona Channel.
Playa Vista developers have always argued that their mega-development was not on a wetland, which is countered by their own internal e-mails to Los Angeles Building & Safety Department - 6/8/99 Playa Vista email to LADBS. 

The Undervalued trees of L.A. from LA Times Editorial p.9, January 2, 2019

Paragraph 7 and 8 Quotes 
"A mature urban forest and dense canopy can provide relief on the hottest days -- shaded surfaces can be 20 to 45 degrees cooler than those in direct sun -- and reduce air conditioning demand, which helps ease the strain on the city's electrical grid."
"The roots also capture and store rainwater, which helps the city make better use of its water supply at a time of more extreme weather conditions and wider swings between periods of drought and flooding."

California Public Utilities Commission Brief - SoCalGas Safety Complaint Cases No. 00-05-010, 00-05-011, 00-05-012 September 29, 2005 Endres Testimony - Grassroots Coalition

California Public Utilities Commission Brief
SoCalGas Safety Complaint Cases No. 00-05-010, 00-05-011, 00-05-012 9/29/05 Bernard Endres, Ph.D. Testimony - Grassroots Coalition


California Public Utilities Commission Brief 

Dr. Bernard Endres Subject: SOCALGAS/ Series of CPUC EXHIBITS/BRIEFS of Grassroots Coalition-SCG/PDR Underground Gas Operations

From: patricia mc pherson 
Subject: SOCALGAS/ Series of CPUC EXHIBITS/BRIEFS of Grassroots Coalition-SCG/PDR Underground Gas Operations
Date: July 27, 2018 at 1:56:46 PM PDT
